Greater Dedham Business Network

Michael L O'Brien headshot

Michael L O'Brien

Scafidi Juliano LLP

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75 Third Avenue, 2nd Floor, Waltham, MA 02451

Michael L. O'Brien was admitted to the Massachusetts Bar in 2009. Attorney O’Brien graduated from  Providence College in 1998. He graduated from New England  Law-Boston in 2009. He has been a member of Ganick , O'Brien & Sarin since 2010, and has been a part of Scafidi Juliano, LLP since October of 2021.  He focuses his practice primarily in real estate transactions and conveyancing. Attorney O'Brien represents buyers, sellers, residential and commercial lenders, developers, real estate agents and mortgage brokers relative to his conveyancing practice. 

Attorney O'Brien also Attorney O'Brien is also a Notary Public.

Scafidi Juliano, LLP is a large well established law firm handling residential and commercial real estate transactions.  Scafidi Juliano LLP also has a network of attorneys to handle estate planning matter, business and corporate law, probate matters and civil litigation.

Attorney Michael L. O'Brien lives  with his wife and three children. 

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