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Kendra Chatterley

Rise Interiors, LLC

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Principal Designer
North Kingstown, RI

Rise Interiors, LLC is an interior design consultation company dedicated to providing exceptional knowledge, expertise and guidance to every one of our clients. With a wide range of services, all structured at an hourly rate, our goal is to help every client find the beauty and potential in their surroundings. With proper insight, product knowledge and inspirational support, we can help you achieve success far beyond your expectations, all while assisting you as little or much as needed throughout the project.

As a company, we believe in the positive, both physical and mental benefits that our interior spaces can have on us. We also believe that beautiful doesn’t necessarily mean custom.

Beautiful is how something makes you feel. It changes our outlooks, inspires, makes us smile, and in turn can improve how we see the world. We love to help our clients find that beauty and surround themselves with it, no matter the budget.

Contact Me

Use the contact form below to email me directly or, if you prefer, contact me via phone or one of the other methods listed.