Amber Considine headshot

Amber Considine

Better Living Real Estate, LLC

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MA Sales License #9580918
Worcester, MA

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I grew up touring beautiful homes that my grandma decorated after starting her own company in interior design. All my childhood I was inspired watching her turn houses into homes. After buying my first home with my partner through Better Living Real Estate in June 2021 I knew it was time to get involved. My unique experience of being a first time home buyer during the pandemic wasn’t an easy one but my agent handled my anxieties with such grace that I was inspired to do the same for others.

As a new homeowner and DIY renovation expert I can sympathize with stress that comes with entering the real estate market. Is it the right fit? Will this location work? Can I really handle renovating the kitchen? These are all questions I was asking myself not that long ago, I look forward to helping others connect with the right people, navigate this process and find the right fit.

As an agent, I am passionate and energized and as a company, I am backed by decades of experience and fine tuned systems that have proven effective time and time again. As a previous client of Better Living I can vouch for the smooth and streamlined process of buying. My passion for interior design, vision for upgrades and renovations, and background as a counselor make me the perfect fit to handle the stress while you enjoy the rest.

I specialize in fixer uppers and making the home buying process approachable for people entering the market for the first time. I have personal experience with fixer uppers, or homes needing a little extra love, so they hold a special place for me. Throughout my own renovations I have enhanced my ability to walk into a space and imagine what it could be not what it is. Let me help you create a vision and reach your real estate goals.

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