North East Advisors

Gregory V. Janian 2720134 headshot

Gregory V. Janian 2720134

Law Office of Gregory V. Janian, LLC

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820 Turnpike St., Suite 106, North Andover, MA 01845

The Law Office of Gregory V. Janian, LLC can help you with the following Real Estate Matters:

All residential and commercial real estate matters including single family residences, condominiums, townhouses, two to four family dwellings in Massachusetts and New Hampshire, including but not limited to the following services;

o Offers to Purchase
o Purchase and Sale Agreements
o Limited Power of Attorney for Closing
o Bank Closings
o Title Examination and Review
o Attorney Certification of Title
o Title Issues
o Title Insurance Policies
o Recording Services
o Review of Condominium Documents
o Review of Leases
o Use and Occupancy Agreements
o Review of Mortgage Commitments and Documentation
o Review of Closing Documents
o Declaration of Homesteads
o Offers to Purchase
o Purchase and Sale Agreements
o Title Issues
o Review of Closing Documents
o Drafting of Deeds
Refinance options

We are pleased to work with some of the best lenders and realtors in New England as well, and will be happy to refer you to them. Please do not hesitate to contact us about any matters related to real estate transaction.

Visit us on the web!

Contact Me

Use the contact form below to email me directly or, if you prefer, contact me via phone or one of the other methods listed.