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Cheryl Hajjar

Maid Brite Cleaning

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231 Sutton St. Suite 2D-2, North Andover, Ma. 01845, Bradford, MA 01835

Maid Brite Residential & Commercial Cleaning was founded by entrepreneur Cheryl Hajjar in 2006. As a busy mother with never enough time to clean her own home, she started the company with the vision of helping other busy parents like herself. She first launched the residential cleaning division , then a few years later, expanded Maid Brite's commercial division. The commercial division services small businesses such as offices, restaurants and clothing distribution centers. 

Maid Brite is the #1 recommended residential/commercial cleaning company on Facebook's Andover Mums, NA Moms, Georgetown Parents, NH Parents, Salem NH Info. group and many more social media community platforms. Feel free to head on over to our facebook page and check out our great reviews!



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